Self-Love Crash Course
Learning to love yourself more.
Do you love yourself unconditionally? Meaning, do you love the woman staring back at you in the mirror, her life, and who she has become? If not, no worries, you are in good company. There are women all around the world that could use some extra Self-Love. Many of us have spent years not knowing our worth and settling for less than what we deserved. We settled on the job, in our relationships, and even in our appearance and quality of life. It's sad to say, but ladies, we really need to get it together. We need to love ourselves more and love the skin that we are in. We should love every part of our lives. This means we don't have room to compare ourselves to other women or compete with them. Why? Because we are our own competition. When you love yourself freely, you know your worth and utilize the power that you have to be great. You make the daily decision to LOVE the woman you see staring back at you in the mirror.
Though your life isn't perfect, you should have a confidence about yourself that causes you to fight for the life you were created to have. All of your relationships should be healthy and flourishing. You should have peace daily, while walking in your purpose. When you love yourself freely, the only opinion that really matters is God's opinion of you. And if you don't know this by now, He thinks you are amazing! So choose to love yourself today. Meaning, take a large dose of Self-Love by taking ownership of what you can control in your life and creating the life that you were destined to live. When a woman really loves herself, she wakes up daily knowing her worth and owning her truth. She's not afraid of what others have to think or say. She also refuses to settle for less than what she deserves and chooses to level up in every area of her life. Choose to love yourself today by discovering your purpose, pursuing your dreams, and falling madly in love with the woman you see staring back at you in the mirror. Are you ready to yourself more? If so, let's begin!
Your Instructor
Hello! My name is Marlia Bryonne Hall. I am a wife, mother of 6, Accountability Coach, author, speaker, believer, dreamer, and prayer warrior. I have changed my entire life by choosing to love God and love myself more. Years ago, I made the decision to self-correct my bad habits, discover my purpose, and pursue my big dreams daily. And since making this decision, I now live the life of my dreams!
I have an amazing marriage, great relationships with my children, and I love the work that I do daily. I also have more peace, more love, and more joy than I had before. These are just a few benefits of living a life filled with purpose. I can now boldly declare that I love my life and everything in it! And it is my desire for you to love yours as well.
It want to hold you accountable to becoming the best version of you. This version is the one where you look forward to waking up everyday because you love your life and everything in it. I am dedicated to assisting you in this process. But most importantly, I am here to assist you with loving the person you see staring back at you in the mirror everyday.
It is my desire for you to be happy and excited about your life. No more dreading what the day may bring but instead looking forward to a day filled with love, purpose, hope, and new opportunities. It is my belief that if you choose to love yourself more, by being kind and patient with your process, while discovering and pursuing your purpose, your internal love for God and self will transform the world around you.
You can become a better wife, mother, sister, girlfriend, friend, single women, employee, employer, entrepreneur, leader, servant etc. Are you ready to become the best version of you and love your life and everything in it? If so, take this course one day at a time and apply everything that you see and read. You can change your life for the better.